Parrot Video Services offers a variety of services to help you preserve and protect your memories.
Many local photo labs, camera stores, and video stores contract their jobs out to us. Why not skip the middle man and head straight to Parrot Video Services when you need professional audio and video digitization and duplication services? We sincerely care about your irreplaceable family memories and you can trust us for expert assistance when you need to:
Digitize Movie Films: No matter what format your film is on—such as Super 8, regular 8, 15mm—it is vulnerable to degradation. Let us protect and preserve your content by digitizing your films. We utilize color correction, image enhancement, and film cleaning techniques for flicker free conversions.
Digitize Photos and Slides: Whether you want to make a digital copy of an irreplaceable vintage photograph or digitize all your old photo albums and 35mm slides, Parrot Video Services can help. We use the latest digital scanning equipment to create high-resolution images that you can view on your computer or DVD-R player. Photos need to be removed from albums or frames. Ask about our custom photo montage videos.
Digitize Audio: We specialize in converting cassette tapes and reel-to-reel tapes to CD. We make an exact copy of your recording.
Video Editing: At Parrot Video Services, we offer select video editing services to help get your content into the format you want. For example, we can convert to and from foreign video formats, make small edits to videos, add chapter title navigation to DVDs, and help you get content off of memory cards and flash drives.
Digital Conversion: Although we specialize in converting old media formats like VHS, film, and cassette tapes to DVD and CD, we can actually convert from any media source to virtually any format. For example, we can help you take video, photos, and audio files from your SD card or flash drive and put them into whatever format you need.
Duplication: When you need CD copies or DVD copies, don’t risk the issues that come with a DIY approach. Instead, trust our professional duplication process to deliver discs that are guaranteed to play properly in just about any equipment. All copies are made in house and we offer a quick turnaround time.
DVD & CD Recording: Trust Parrot Video Services for professional quality DVD and CD recording. We can record content from just about any source format from VHS tapes to Betamax to Super 8 film and create a premium quality DVD. We can record CDs from audio tapes and reel-to-reel tapes.
Call Now for Prompt Assistance
At Parrot Video Services, we are always happy answer any questions you may have about our services. Many projects can be completed in just one business day, so we encourage you to contact us at 949-240-7141 today to get your project started. You can ship your videos, photos, or audio recordings to us and we will return the old media plus your new CDs or DVDs by UPS with tracking info. Free shipping on orders over $90!